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Check Out The New Site!

(I'm sure you were on the edge of your seat)

Hey there! Remember me? I used to have a blog and an online shop called Canoodlings. I had some cute items for sale and a blog with tutorials and recipes and general musings, and people would look at it from time to time.

Needless to say, it's been a while since I've updated my site (or my business for that matter). I had surgery and then got a part-time job and blah blah blah, I just haven't had the time. (I won't list all the ways I've been busy. We're all busy. Is there anything more tedious than listening to people list all the ways in which they are just so busy?)

Realistically, at this stage in my life, I just can't churn out inventory at the level that I had envisioned. But that doesn't mean that I can't make some items from time to time and sell them here. And I really miss the blog! I want to make an effort to post more regularly. It's been seven months since my last post, however, so all I can say is we'll see. I know I'd like to post more than once every seven months. #goals

So I've been plodding along the last few months, slowly moving my site content from WordPress to Wix. WordPress is fantastic if you are a coder and know what you're doing, but neither "coder" nor "know what you're doing" describe me. Wix is completely intuitive and user-friendly, which hopefully means less time spent sighing and cursing at my computer and more time posting content. That's the idea, anyway.

I have sold a few items through word-of-mouth in the last seven months, and I noticed an uptick in site hits and visits to my Facebook page. I'm sure those people were super excited to keep up with this site when they saw my shop was down and my last two blog posts were about my impending hysterectomy. ("Wow, she seems fun.")

(BTW, I finally wrote a follow-up post to my surgery, which you can check out here.) Spoiler Alert: I'm fine.

Anyway, I'm back! Again! I hope you enjoy looking around the new site. I've transferred most of the blog content, but not all of it yet (it's pretty tedious work, but I'm getting there). The online shop has most of my items listed in it; I have more than that on hand, I just need to take pictures and edit them and upload them and, well, it might be a little while yet. But I've been trying to have everything done before launching the new site, which is why it's been seven months and counting since my last post. I didn't want to wait seven more. What's that expression? Perfect is the enemy of good. I mean, it's just a blog for heaven's sake.

Thanks for stopping by; you'll be hearing from me soon. For reals.

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