October Book Review
It's almost halfway through November, and I'm finally posting my October reviews! Time seems to accelerate these last remaining months of...
September Book Review
Book Review time! Eleven books, with no audio books this month. That's because in addition to my usual podcasts, I've been binge...
August Book Review
This is the third month in a row that I'm posting a book review post! All the gold stars for me! Consistency and sticking to #goals FTW!...
July Book Review
I heard from a lot of you after last month's book review post! The most frequent comment I heard was something along the lines of "you're...
The Prayers of the People
Back in June, Alex was asked to give the sermon for Youth Sunday at our church, St. George's Episcopal in Arlington. You can see a video...
June Book Review
I read a lot this month, even for me! I think it's because one week this month was spent at the beach, which always includes lots of...
How I Read So Many Books
If you follow me on social media, especially on Goodreads, you know I read a lot of books. I've always loved to read, and I'm rarely out...
Creative Writing: Darkness
(Alex and his communication therapist Meghann saved 15 minutes at the end of one of his sessions for some creative writing. She presented...
Alex's Youth Sunday Sermon
We belong to an amazing church. St. George's Episcopal Church in Arlington is loving and inclusive and open and affirming and everything...
Creative Writing: The Stars
(At the end of a session with Meghann, she gave him three creative writing prompts for Alex to choose from. He chose "The stars: take...
Creative Writing: Alex's Creation Story
(In the summer of 2017, Alex and his therapist Meghann did a lesson on Creation Myths throughout human history. She loved his first few...
We Make The Road By Walking, Part 1
(*With apologies to Brian McLaren for blatantly stealing his book title. Apparently that's my thing now: stealing book titles for my blog...
Creative Writing: Journey to the Center of the Earth
(This was when Alex's creative writing really took off, and he really blew us away. This was in the summer of 2016; his therapist...
Creative Writing: Advice Columnist
(Alex's therapist Elizabeth asked Alex to pretend he was an advice columnist, and she gave him a few questions to respond to. For some...
All The Light We Cannot See*
(*with apologies to Anthony Doerr for blatantly plagiarizing his book title) Everything you think you know about my kid is probably...